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Prompt, Professional Care for Eye Emergencies

We understand that eye emergencies can happen unexpectedly, putting your vision and eye health at risk. At Caris Eye Centers, we are committed to providing prompt and effective emergency eye care for people of all ages in Alpharetta and Suwanee.

Whether you have pink eye or any other urgent eye problem, our dedicated team is always ready to assist you.

woman experiencing blurry vision
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Don't Delay: Signs You Need Emergency Eye Care

Dealing with eye emergencies can be stressful, but understanding what constitutes an emergency can help you react appropriately. Remember to stay calm and seek immediate care for urgent issues or severe symptoms like significant eye pain, increased redness, or reduced vision.

At Caris Eye Centers, we're equipped to handle these urgent issues to prevent complications and ensure the best possible outcome for your eye health. If you recognize any of the conditions listed below, you should make an appointment or visit one of our Alpharetta or Suwanee practices immediately.

  • Eye injuries (e.g., chemical burns, foreign objects, blunt trauma)
  • Sudden vision loss or changes in vision
  • Painful, red eye with or without discharge
  • Flashes of light, floaters, or shadows in your vision
  • Sudden onset of double vision
  • Severe eye pain or headache with nausea
  • Scratched or cut eye or eyelid
  • Lost or dislodged contact lens
  • Swelling or infection of the eye or eyelid
  • Acute angle-closure glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Ocular complications from systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)

Eye Emergencies We Treat at Caris Eye Centers, Atlanta

young boy pink eye

Eye Infections

Eye infections, including conjunctivitis (or pink eye), often lead to symptoms such as:

  • Discomfort
  • Redness
  • Itching

Should you suspect an eye infection, avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent aggravating the condition. Gently cleanse the area and remove any contact lenses. Persistent or worsening symptoms of pink eye necessitate a prompt consultation with your Caris Eye Centers eye doctor.

Foreign Body Removal

If you ever find yourself with a foreign object in your eye, attempting to remove the object yourself can lead to further damage or injury.

We use specialized tools and techniques to carefully and safely remove the object, minimizing any discomfort or pain you may experience.

In addition to removing the object, we will examine your eye to ensure that no further damage has been done and to rule out any potential complications.

An infected eye with conjunctivitis or pink eye
boy with bandage over eye

Corneal Abrasions

A corneal abrasion, or scratched cornea, often results in significant pain and discomfort.

Although not every instance demands urgent medical care, assessing the severity is crucial.

Should you endure ongoing pain, vision blur, or excessive tear production, it's advisable to seek medical help to avert possible complications.